sem 1 is continue of my EEP in kampar~~
kampar actually is the awesome place to me~~ 1st time stay out from my sweet home...
kampar westlake is my 2nd home~~ not hostel~~ hehe
in UTAR know many frenzz~~ our relationship become very close~~
i had 2 sister in kampar~~ Byul Ying & Venice Lim...
i meet them in EEP... but when tat time... v not really know each other....
after enter sem1 in foundation... v become closer n closer... finally become "Hou Ji Mui" ^~^
v like to took pictures.... so.. almost everyday v took~~ hehe....
until hp memory full~~ XD
beside them... i also have another big group best frenzz~~ XD
my 19th bufday with them~
funny moment~
help fren as narator in their ECS drama~
after dinner... ghost story time~~
in sem1 i very happy is~~ know KOREAN friends~~
they cm to malaysia to study English~~~ they are very friendly~~
Daniel Oppa, Yong Oppa, Jaesung Oppa, Meoung Jee Onni, EnnHye Onni...
took lunch with them
with our english lecturer
v r family~~~ ^~^
Daniel Oppa become my SON in the basic english radioplay~~ haha
when Daniel Oppa wanna leave Kampar~ v plan to give him a early birthday celebration~
Byul birthday~~ celebrate with them~~
with Daniel Oppa~~
all cm from Kimhae, Korea.
almost everytime hang out with them~~
when they go back Korea~~ haizz.... i feel a little sad~~
but nvrmind... in facebook , v still communicate with each other.
end my sem 1 life ^~^