Long time no update my blog edi.... haha
now all busy v many presentation n exam n so on....
haha.... let me tell my kampar EEP UTAR life here.....
first day in EEP.... wow... awesome!!!
know many frenzzz... all fun.. haha
but the next day....
our lecturer separate us into other class....
bcause of many ppl in one class..... but... nvrmind...
after know them.... everyday busy....
means... everyday go out eat or doing other funny things.....
when in class.....
v r the annoying group.... haha....
very noise.... but no noisy than other class ppl.... haha
after the first presentation that using microsoft ppt....
n the 2nd is DRAMA!!!!!
what the....
haha... using Chinderella n Snow White fairytale to combain a new fairytale....
n my character is the bad heart Cinderella that dun like Snow White....
haha.... funny... when write the script.... so many annoying idea....
but... finally... successful acting the DRAMA.....
other group oso funny... n pretty good in their action.... haha
took edi many photos.... but not yet upload in facebook... cause no time....
exam near edi....
after level2 exam....
now preparing 4 TVSHOW....
wow.... sure fun.... but tis time not in same group v other member ....
sad.... bcause i no attend the class... then them pick other frn....
no fair!!!!! hate... haizzz
first time sick until shiver n call bro come kmpr pick up me....
haha... i scare i wan die edi..... n wan thx my "babu" fren... chiannie
she help me when i fall sick....
n now.... well edi.... ready 2molo back kmpr....
thursday got class.... haizzz
miss my EEP fren.... haha ^^